Signature Facelift Peel
Signature Facelift Peel
For sensitive skin
Service Description
The Signature Facelift is a results-driven chemical peel that delivers noticeable improvements in just one session. This treatment combines Vitamin C, hydroxy acids, and enzymes to accelerate cellular renewal, leaving your skin brighter and more rejuvenated. Centella stem cell technology supports redness-prone skin, while botanical detoxifying and energizing complexes enhance overall tingling sensation during the peel, which subsides quickly. With little to no downtime, this peel may cause light flaking as your skin reveals a smoother, healthier, and more luminous complexion.
Cancellation Policy
To cancel or reschedule, please contact us 24 hours in advance. Deposits and treatment credits/sessions are nonrefundable unless contacted 24 hours in advance upon cancelation or rescheduling.
Contact Details
East Edison Avenue
1000 East Edison Avenue, Sunnyside, WA, USA